Xathrodox86 reviews: "Vulkan's Shield" by Nick Kyme

Say what you want about Games Workshop and its subsidiaries. Their money grubbing policy may irk some, or rather most of us, but the quality of their products is a completely different thing. Usually. What I'm trying to say here, that while expensive, the stuff they are selling is usually worth it, and this is also true about Black Library, their book publishing division. As someone who dosen't have a lot of time to read, I'm an avid fan of audiobooks. Fortunately Black Library has a huge selection of those and whenever they publish something new, I get in line to check it out. The quality is a mixed thing, but then again this can be said about all GW products, right? So without further ado, let us dive right into my first BL's audiobook, a review of "Vulkan's Shield" by Nick Kyme. "Above a war torn battlefield on a distant world, Ko'tan Kadai and his Salamanders are on a mission of mercy. As the city burns, the Fireborn rescu...