Role-playing Rants: Looking for that elusive thing called "Inspiration"
You've all been there. First game's only a couple days ahead and the campaign that everyone is anxious to play is still a work in progress. Why? Because you can't quite finish that very important plot point, that's being flying around your head for the last month or so. Inspiration's a bitch. Yeah you've heard me. When you're a Gamemaster, sooner or later you'll be facing the prospect, nay the nescessity of writing your own adventure or even a whole campaign. Running on a ready-to-play supllements can only get you so far. But what happens when you finally sit before your keyboard or a blank page and... nothing happens? You feel that your head is empty and that you can't, for the love of life, create anything that will even resemble an adventure for your players to enjoy. And the clock is ticking... Tick Tock I'm currently running a Hunter: The Reckoning chronicle, which I'm writing myself. It began in 2011 as a simple conversion of...