Xathrodox86 reviews: "Throneworld" by Guy Haley
There's no stopping Guy Haley. The man delivers one great book, after another and "Throneworld" is no exception. This one kicks off with a bang, as Eldrad Ulthran and a band of Harleqins infiltrate the Imperial Palace to speak with the Big-E himself. It is at this point that we are aware of just how awesome and hardcore the servants of Cegorach actually are in combat. Even against enemies like the Custodian Guard, the Clowns are outright murderous. The thing that always irked me in 40K tabletop game, was the actual discord between the rules and fluff. I know that some sacrifices have to be made to make the game playable (and God Emperor knows that the current meta needs it more than ever) but honestly - Eldar players should be writing petitions to Games Workshop, asking them to buff the Harleqins, even for a hefty point increase. They're that good. Respect the Elves! After a very solid beginning and a couple of interesting revelations (Eldrad and Emps use...