
Showing posts from August, 2016

Role-playing Rants: You can't do everything you want

The biggest lie one can hear in today's world is that you can do anything, no matter what. This is true not only in real life, but also in various hobbies, including role-playing games. I love playing RPG's. This hobby really did gave me a lot of good things. I've met fantastic people, trained my imagination and greatly improved my self-esteem. Altough I always read a lot, my book count increased greatly, after I've begun to roleplay regularly. I could go on and on, how awesome this hobby is, but chances are that if you're reading this article, you already know this. You probably also know, that RPG's, just as any thing really, can be a source of intense frustration for everyone involved in them. From the so-called "problem players", about whom I'll write later, to the dreaded "Gamemaster's Withdrawal" - there are many things that can be extremy irritated about narrative games. For me, one in particular can be irksome: a player'...