Role-playing Rants: Dealing with "problem players", or how I've learned that people are assholes, the hard way
Social activities are generally a lot of fun. You can spend your free time with people of similar interests, passions and attitudes. That's why RPG's are such a cool hobby. You and your fellow-minded nerds are all sitting at the table, eating Cheetos, roll some dice and... trying to be as horrible and shitty to each other, as possible? Wait, what? I thought that this kind of entertainment was supposed to be a fun, healthy endeavor, not a way for some asshole to vent his life frustrations out on other people. Turns out I was very, very wrong, as apparently, there are a lot of people out there who decided to play these game, solely so they can fuck with their fellow men. No regrets, no hesitations, no nothing - just an urge to be an asshole. Is there a way of dealing with the, so-called, "problem players"? Yes, yes there is. Although it ain't pretty. Apologies for this, completely random, Overwatch art. My google-fu is not strong today. Also, this picture is ...