My hundredth post. Let's talk about... "The Enemy Within"
Wow, how time flies, eh? For me it was only yesterday, when I've decided to create this blog. Now, almost 4 years later, here I am - writing my hundreth post. Initially this blog was created to help me cope with things and to calm my mind and my heart. Things change and something that I thought would be temporary, has evolved and became a permanent part of my life. I've written about a lot of things - End Times, gaming tips, tie-in products, problem players and video games that could make awesome RPG's. I've reviewed a couple of my favorite fantasy authors and game designers. I've raged and I've cried. It was an incredible ride, one that I will always remember with fondness. It brought a lot of fantastic people into my life. Folks from sites such as Warhammer-Empire , Strike-to-Stun and many more. Most of all, I've believed in myself enough to make it work, to make it a constant (semi) regular thing in my daily routine. That's the biggest prize o...