
Showing posts from July, 2018

Xathrodox86 reviews: "Curse of the Everliving" by David Guymer

What is this? A simple audiobook review while the world celebrates the release of the 4th edition of WFRP? Have I gone mad? Not really. You see, while I'm very happy about the newest iteration of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay to finally see the light of day, I won't review it. At least not yet. The reason is simple and there are actually two of them - first of all, it's not a finished product and second, I can't read PDF files too well on a PC screen. While I will probably have to do so anyway, for now it's making me incredibly uncomfortable to do so, so now 4th edition review from me for now, at least. So, without further ado, let's check out the second Gotrek & Felix audiobook with a very metal title: "Curse of the Everliving". The cover's pretty metal as well! This one has been written by the talented David Guymer and is  from the "newer" line of Gotrek and Felix, i.e. the reader can place it at any time he wants. This ...

Xathrodox86 reviews: "Slayer of the Storm God" by Nathan Long

Gotrek & Felix - the most infamous, Old World duo. They are the posterboys of Warhammer Fantasy and, soon, the Age of Sigmar. My adventure with the fantasy franchise created by Games Workshop began with these two heroes. Back in 2007 I've bought two omnibuses in a London bookstore and... well here I am, more than a decade later. Still a huge and avid fan of Warhammer Fantasy, albeit a one that also recognizes its many flaws. That said, without the Slayer and his human companion I would probably never have picked up the WFRP books, never installed games such as "Shadow of the Horned Rat" and "Dark Omen" on my PC, not to mention "Vermintide." It is to Gotrek and Felix that I should owe my passion as a RPG enthusiast and gamer. When it comes to their adventures, I've only read the books by William King and Nathan Long. I'm not familiar with any of their later exploits and quests. Thart said, there are two stories, concerning our restles...