Xathrodox86 reviews: "Mordheim: Warband Skirmish" (don't play this game!)

That's it. I've finally hit rock bottom. I've decided to review a friggin' mobile game... and a shitty one at that. Why are you people still following me? Seriously? All right, all right - let's be completely honest. For some time now I've been suffering what one might call a "writer's block". I don't know what to write about! I do have a bunch of book reviews in my head, as well as a couple of articles about the Adepta Sororitas (shout out to Sami who suggested this on Twitter), but still, I'm kinda burned out. I'm getting ready for my wedding, which is also a lot of work and stress, so there is also that, but still... I need to let off some steam, and what better way to do that, than review a shitty mobile game! Hang tight. We're in for one hell of a ride! "Mordheim: Warband Skirmish" is a 2017 tactical mobile game, created by the Legendary Games studio and released for iOS, Android and Amazon. It's a mobile...