The last stand of the Incarnates. The "End Times: Archaon" is nearly finished!

Time to finish this. This last couple days have been dead 'ard, as any Orc would say, but it all looks better now. So much better in fact, that I've decided to (almost) finish my "Archaon" review.

No more screwing around. Let's jump right into it, shall we?

1. Balthasar Gelt, Incarnate of Metal

"It's a kind of magic, magic, magic" (also fuck Blogger's text formatting bullshit)

Balthasar Gelt is the second human Incarnate present during the "End Times" and certainly more magic oriented (duh) than Karl Franz/Sigmar reborn. For a whooping 475 points we have a flying, level 5 Lore of Metal Loremaster who is completely useless in CQC. In fact he's the weakest Incarnate in terms of combat and survivability, but that's not why you should take him. You see, Gelt's main power lies in his support spells, which the Lore of Metal is famous for as well as his signature Incarnate spell. "The Crucible" is a level 10 bound spell that allows Gelt to teleport himself and/or D3 other units to any place on the battlefield, including right under your enemies noses, however doping so makes your guys sufer D6-1 Wounds with no saves allowed. Still - this is a pretty sweet deal to make a sudden Alpha Legion surprise against the poor sods facing you. Gelt's items are kited towards survival. His basic save is a laughable 6+, but the "Cloak of Molten Metal" makes him resilant against shoting attacks (Ward Save 3+) while "Amulet of Sea Gold" grants him Magic Resistance (3). Oh and let us not forget that Gelt is now one of the Power Rangers so he gets a 2+ ward save against all Flaming Attacks, which is nice but totally situational. Finally the "Staff of Volans" makes casting easier for him, granting Gelt additional +2 to any magic test.

Gelt is a weird character. He's frail as hell, but he can't be placed in any unit, since he's on a flying horse. Immediately enemy shooters, war machines and casters will target him so he should be flying around as much as possible. Then again his signature spell has an 18'' range, which isn't a lot so he probably should be sticking close to allied units, that can benefit from it as much as possible. He's a buff-machine, but frail and so should be handled with care. Otherwise he's toast.

2.Tyrion, Incarnate of Light

At this point the bastard's simply indestructible

Don't you love when writers cheapen one's sacrifice by ressurecting their favorite, mary sue characters beacuse they can't stand to see them dead? Yeah, me neither. So Tyrion's back and not only he got the "walk out of jail" card from all the other Elves, but now he is also a literall powerhouse. Costing a staggering 550 points, Tyrion has WS of 10, I 10, 5 Attacks and... Strength and Toughness of 4? What the hell? Yeah, he can chop really well but is not that strong so keep that in mind. Always Strikes First, Martial Prowess and Valour of Ages are still here and with I 10 there is no way someone will be able to hit him first. Also those delicious re-rolls...  Being an Incarnate of Light Magic he automatically wounds any Daemon/Undead, dealing a single Strength 4 magical hit to any of them, that are within 12'' of him. That's really gotta hurt, especially those cocksure ethereals. "Shield of Light" grants any friendlies within 12'' a 5+ WS against shooting and spells, which imrpoves to respectable 4+, granted that the shooter/caster is either Undead or a Daemon. Both of his magic items are the same as they used to. "Sunfang" grants him +3 Strength (very useful) and a single S4 template shooting attack, while "Dragon Armour of Aenarion" makes him very resilent, poviding a 1+ AS, a 4+ ward AND the "Fireborn" special rule.

Oh and his horse is back too, and good as always. Movement of 10 is always appreciated, not to mention the combat stats that aren't half bad.

Tyrion is a rape train. Altough not as powerful as when he was Khaine's vessel, he will still eradicate whole units on his own. Stick him into a unit of Dragon Princes, give them some nice magical standard and watch your opponent pull his hair by the handful.

That's all for now. Next time the last 3 special characters of Archaon will get a review and then it's special units time. Sorry for the piecemeal attitude with my posts lately, but right now it's really out of my hands. Hopefully it'll change soon.

Until next time

