My honest thoughts about the collector's edition of "The Enemy Within". Also - "Kalevala Hammer" is 12 years old!

"The Enemy Within" is the quintessential WFRP campaign, and one that almost every, single fan of the franchise knows by heart. Now it's going to recieve a special, collector's edition for the 4th iteration of the game.

First things first, however. Kalevala Hammer, one of the best Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay sites, is 12 years old! How time flies. I remember reading Jackdays' excellent addons at the beginning of my GM career, and his work has greatly influenced my gaming style. Jack is such an awesome dude, that he even published my fan-made WFRP sourcebooks, not too long ago. Here's to him and his fantastic website. May it continue to inspire and help more people in the future

Happy birthday!
As for the "TEW" Collector's Edition - it looks awesome. It's beautifully made and full of additional goodies. Aside from the 5 campaign books, it will also contain 5 new companion books, full of authors' commentaries, new plot hooks, new scenarios etc. This whole thing will be packed into 5 neat slipcases with unique artworks on each of them. When you buy the whole thing, you also get all of the "TEW" PDF's, but that's pretty standard to be honest.

Oh, and the whole thing will cost 750 $.

750 dollars is... quite a lot. Actually it's a shit-ton of money, not gonna lie. I collect and play tabletop games, including Forgeworld's Horus Heresy, so I do spend rather a lot on my hobby, but 750 bucks for 10 books is... a lot. Look, I'm down with collector's editions. That's what they for - to earn their makers a lot of dosh. That said, I couldn't really justify buying that set. It's a huge chunk of my monthly pension for, what ammounts to, a few fancy art pieces and a commentary plus some additional, optional goodies.

I love Cubicle 7, I really do, but that price is just too high, for what's on offer. I will get every, single one of the new "The Enemy Within" books, as I'm very happy that they're remaking this campaign, and that Graeme Davis is on board, doing what he does best. That said, this collector's edition, for me at least, suffers from the same problem as the limited run of the 4th edition rulebook - the price is not adeuqate to what we get for it. I honestly don't care about slipcases and leather-bound covers. When I buy a collector's item, I want goodies. Goodies like extra dice, miniatures, mugs, props etc. Ok, the extra books with commentaries are cool, but not 750 $ cool. Not for me, at least.

I still think that this is a beautiful set, and it will be pride and joy of anyone, who'll buy it. And people will buy it, make no mistake of that. Perhaps if I'd have more ammounts of disposable income, I'd grab it as well, but for that price, in my current situation, it's a no-go. Ah well, you can't have everything in this life.

Look at this beauty!
Oh, and the intereviews are coming, don't worry. There were some delays, but hopefully, next time they will be here.

Unitl next time!



  1. I think you might have misunderstood something: The five companion books are not only available with the Collector's Edition, they will also be available separately.

    1. So are these the companion books, which will also be available to everyone? In that case it's my mistake. Although this makes the high price of this package even less justifiable.

  2. Beautifull things, and sadly - a little bit expensive.

    1. That they are. Still, I'm sure that they'll be the pride and joy of those who'll buy them.

  3. This is almost 2 years late, but I have been doing them in the Volume sets, it's easier to justify $150 every 6 months or more, than $750 upfront. The CEs have UV covers with unique art, gilt pages, and satin bookmarks, as well as the print outs already separated from the book.

    It is absolutely a luxury item, the first one was so late I had said no more but when it arrived i was so in awe of the slip case cover, and books themselves I ordered the second and third as they became available. I have the second now, and know I am pre ordering 4 and 5 for a variety of reasons. If nothing else, as you said it will be the pride and joy of a collection

    1. Absolutely, it's something to put in the centre place on the shelf. I didn't bought any of these limited edition books, but I must say that they do look sweet. Maybe one day... ;)


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