Grimvember 2019 is here! "Burn After Printing" is a fine work indeed!
What better way to end this year's Grimvember, than to review one of the best, one-shot scenarios for 2nd edition WFRP? "Burn After Printing" by Alexander J Bateman is a textbook example of a intrigue done right. Taking place in Altdorf, it throws the PC's against the machinations of a necromancer, a chaos coven, and even some stevedores! Employed by wealthy and beautiful Michaela von Jänke, our heroes need to destroy a cache of, supposedely, pronographic pamphlets, which besmirch the good name of their employer. It soon turns out that there's more to to this task, than meets the eye, and our intrepid adventurers will have to travel the winding and ever-shifting streets of Altdorf, and even the sewers below, to find out the ultimate truth. This being a WFRP scenario, the truth in question is more than horrifying... This fair city hides many a dark secret... Separated into four parts, "Burn After Printing" takes place during a relatively short ...