The times of change are upon us. I'm moving to WordPress!
This was bound to happen sooner or later - I am moving from Blogspot to WordPress in a couple of days. Yeah, no "normal" post this time, sorry. Lately I've decided that I'm done with Blogger. The platform was never that good to begin with. It had formating issues, the mobile app is a joke and lately they've cut the number of words in the search description. Especially that last change proved to be the main tipping point for me, as it hit my analitics very hard. I honestly don't know what kind of stuff people at Google are smoking, but it looks to me like they literally hate their premiere blogging platform and anyone who's using it. Out with the old... Back in 2014 I've decided to start using Blogger because it was convinient. I was able to control all of my social media platforms and accounts from one place, and for a time it proved to be a good decision. Unfortunately not anymore. The pitifully small ammount of tags that I can use for each post is ju...